This is a summary of BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body's Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment by Dr. Ibrahim Karim. This is one of the more surprising things I've read as of late. Despite how implausible this concept sounds, the author is very accomplished and has worked with the government in Egypt on scientific research since 1969, was the cofounder of the Imhotep Scientific Society in Egypt, and won a prize in an international conference of inventors in 1998.
This explanation of BioGeometry is taken from his website.
"We are all dynamic living energy systems, existing in the sea of energy vibrations that is our world. Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale according to their resonant and harmonic effects on biological energy systems. Based on a Physics of Quality, the revolutionary science of BioGeometry uses the subtle energy principles of geometric form to introduce natural balance to the different energy-qualities found in any living system." "BioGeometry is the only science that has been effectively applied on a wide scale for the harmonization of the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (Earth energy grids) on biological systems."
In simpler terms, the foundation of BioGeometry is that everything is energy and those energies can be measured. For example the ability to see is determined by the vibrations of electromagnetic waves and the ability to hear from compression waves both of which are transformed by the brain into our visual and auditory perception. Resonance is a sound-based concept which is integral to understanding what this research is trying to do. Wikipedia has a better explanation than I could give: "Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when an object or system is subjected to an external force or vibration that matches its natural frequency. When this happens, the object or system absorbs energy from the external force and starts vibrating with a larger amplitude. Resonance can occur in various systems, such as mechanical, electrical, or acoustic systems, and it is often desirable in certain applications, such as musical instruments or radio receivers. However, resonance can also be detrimental, leading to excessive vibrations or even structural failure in some cases." So basically sound vibrations of equal frequency impact each other by increasing the amplitude, or power, of the frequency, sometimes becoming so strong that it can cause damage, a testament to its potential power. A tuning fork is the easiest example of resonance. Here is a short video on tuning forks and their relationship with resonance.
This research is taking the concept of sound resonance and applying it to other types of energetic expressions such as the writing. As sight is determined by interpreting electromagnetic waves, any given symbol emits some sort of electromagnetic waves. Theoretically if you could match a symbol with the electromagnetic frequency of a second object, it would also create a form of resonance. This simple 2D drawings are transcribed counterbalancing versions of 3D energetic pathways resulting in harmonious resonances that lead to healing equilibriums. Ibrahim (the author) does not advise this information to be used as alternative medical treatment stating that "just as placing a filter on an industrial chimney can enhance the affectivity of medical treatment of an asthma patient living nearby, we cannot say that the filter is a form of medical treatment, because we know it is a solution for a cleaner environment."
The scientists use a lot of different qualitative measures including things like EEGs, ECGs, and a bunch of other intense sounding instruments as well as some less rigorous methods such as body reactions and harmonic radiesthesia which is essentially an upgraded pendulum that captures specific energies kind of like a tuning fork does. Most of the book is about the theory and methodology of the study of BioGeometry so you can tell the author takes the scientific aspect of this seriously.
So basically what the book talks about is how science has monitored the natural energetic pathways of organs, transcribed them into simple drawings, tested the impact of the squiggles on biological functioning, and has proven the squiggles to have a tangible impact due to resonance. Weird, I know. But apparently it works! It's tough to accept honestly because it seems ridiculous, but science like this proves just how little we know.
Ibrahim studied a whole lot of disparate topics (seriously, this guy reads a lot) from both scientific and spiritual theoretical backgrounds, such as Chinese meridians, and started experimenting with the healing effect of Arabic calligraphy and some of the Divine Names of God on body organ functions. Apparently it worked. This success led him to believe that sound and design may have subtle effects on the body which could be measured further.

This picture shows how the heat energy from a stove flows around objects used for cooking. "This subtle energy flow relationship to the physical shape can be found on the organ level. BioGeometry Signatures were born as linear patterns resonating with the flow of three-dimensional subtle energy of the various functions of body organs to produce a quality harmonizing effect into the organ function and its energy exchange with the environment." He basically then says it's as complicated as it sounds which seems obvious to me as I understood very little of what that process would even remotely look like.
Ibrahim had the awareness to recognize his results would sound crazy. So, as a scientist, he tested it. In a study of hepatitis C measuring the efficacy of traditional medical treatments, herbal treatments, and a metal pendant he created with BioGeometry symbols engraved on it, each treatment with 300 participants, traditional medication had a 25% reduction impact on hepatitis C while the pendants had 90% (270/300) of participants return to completely normal levels of hepatitis C. Herbal treatments were actually extremely effective as well but became poisonous overtime. Even though at one point his pendants were distributed by the Egyptian government itself, social pressure led to it being shelved in six months.
While one possibility is that the pendant was not as effective as the author claims, history has bountiful examples of cultures and civilizations killing and exiling scientists for disproving their cherished false beliefs. People don't like to challenge what they think they know and would rather live in comfort of what they want to believe than change their beliefs. The book The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt talks about this concept extensively (which will be in a post very soon). Traditionally it takes quite a while for a society to shift belief systems based on scientific evidence due to being emotionally driven beings, not fact or logic driven beings. To be fair, Ibrahim does delve into some theories in this book that aren't substantiated scientifically and that many would consider out there, which I've chosen not to include as they aren't validated and are somewhat questionable. Yet, he also won a prize at an international conference for inventions years later. He was also chosen as man of the year by a journal in Switzerland in 2005 for his work in reducing electrosmog with BioGeometry. There is also the idea that big business purposefully buys out or otherwise eliminates competitors that stand to make their business obsolete, and the pharmaceutical company is a powerful one (tangentially discussed in my post on the book Chasing The Scream). Ibrahim does give his work out for free which I think lends to his credibility as he's clearly just trying to help, not take advantage of people (while hospitals upcharge up to 1,000%). But I digress.
In a study with gifted (spiritually) children who were told to draw a few BioGeometry symbols based on intuition alone, they chose a BioGeometry symbol that was right for their given medical condition 80-100% of the time. For reference, 70 pages of the book are devoted to different BioGeometry symbols with many pages having more than one symbol. The chances of them choosing correctly so frequently are astronomically low which speaks to the intuitive grasping of resonant qualities.
Ibrahim claims that his BioGeometry Signatures have helped with:
Hepatitis C
Epilepsy, sometimes with 100% remission
Symptomology in highly electro-sensitive people
Producing poultry without the need of drugs or chemicals as antibiotics, growth factors, etc.
Cows having less miscarriages and lowering leucocyte count in milk
Reducing parasites in trees by 15% if already infected or by 100% if not infected yet
Neutralizing electromagnetic radiation
Restoring serotonin in rats
Reducing ADHD/ ADD symptoms