This post is meant to be a supplement to my post on differentiation. The concepts of differentiation and codependency are the exact same thing just called different terms. Codependency is created by low levels of differentiation and is the same thing as a reflected sense of self. Check out that post if you want more information on codependency.
This post is solely going to list off indicators of codependency I found when I decided to research the topic extensively based on research and books on the subject. Use it to inform yourself of your own codependency. Then read about differentiation.
Emotional Expression
Worrying about others' opinion of you
Fear of abandonment, rejection, or criticism
Feeling trapped in a relationship
Struggling to express your emotions to others
Feeling on edge or expecting the worst in your relationships
Relying on your partner for your emotional stability
Difficulty trusting or are overly trusting
Low self-esteem
Intimacy issues - Need for closeness/ fear of rejection
Putting up walls or being too vulnerable
Chronic anger about any relationship
Hyper vigilance in relationships
Depression related to a relationship (or the perceptions of others)
Anxiety related to a relationship (or the perceptions of others)
Extensive people pleasing behaviors with partner or others
Putting others needs ahead of your own most of the time
Controlling behaviors and neediness
Trying to control others with guilt, threats, or manipulation
Not being able to tolerate the idea of a relationship ending
High reactivity (to anything)
Poor relational boundaries
Personalization (attributing blame to yourself and who you are when there is little to no justification for doing so)
Obsessing about the relationship
Being critical of your partner
Here's a link to my post on differentiation. Tie it all together.