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Channeling the Entity Ra


This is a summary of the book The Ra Material by Don Elkins, a professor of physics and engineering who took an interest in the supernatural. He followed a theory on how to communicate with extraterrestrial beings and eventually his wife became a channel for an entity that called itself Ra. A channel is a spiritual term for someone who voluntarily uses themselves as a channel through which a foreign entity may communicate, kind of like changing a radio station, but it is not possession nor does it look anything like frenzied gift of tongues or anything of the sort. Ra called itself a sixth dimension social memory complex that was tasked with helping Earth in its progression of consciousness. The book is a dialogue between Don Elkins and Ra with Don asking questions and Ra answering.

An odd part of this story is that his wife was reported to have lost pounds of weight, up to 15 pounds, after a 45 minute channeling session. After five books Don apparently started exhibiting schizophrenic traits and ended up killing himself. This Reddit post gives a great summary of the history behind it all.

Reading this book is part of an effort I've undertaken to cross-reference the information of sources who claim to have spoken with alien entities via various means. I don't hold it outside of the realm of possibility (I believe we don't know a fraction of what is possible) and if true, completely separate sources should more or less say the same thing. Even if none of it is true, I like exploring different existential ideas. There are five books in the series and I may get to them all eventually.

I will focus on what I consider existentially meaningful in my summary rather than all the information the book contains.

Book 1

  • The most important principle is The Law of One. The law means that everything that exists is all one, part of the Source or God. As such there is no right or wrong or polarity and seeming paradoxes will be unified at some point. The ultimate state of being is unity and love.

  • Ra has attempted to help humanity multiple times over many thousands of years, the same Ra from ancient Egypt, but waits for entities to seek it out in order to provide help.

  • Free will is an absolute requirement for all entities, hence why alien entities don't make themselves known. UFO sightings are a way to spark questions and challenge paradigms in accordance with free will.

  • There is a confederation of entities that protect Earth from outside entities and oversee humanities progression in consciousness. There is also a group named the Orion group which seeks to influence people to value the self through attaining power. The Orion group also seeks to discredit those they can't influence that focus on service to others.

  • Souls reincarnate until one of two things happens: Either they achieve a 51% service to others over service to self or they achieve a 95% degree of caring for themselves almost singularly. Either is acceptable for the 4th dimension, both being equally difficult on either side of the coin.

  • Various other non-human originated beings are present in the world and solar system, some reincarnated as humans, others in other dimensions.

  • The pyramids around the world were built as some sort of energetic balancing and healing agents.

  • To become an energy healer (psychic healer):

    • Quiet the mind.

    • Accept your own completeness.

    • Be able to quiet the mind in relation to your reaction to others.

    • Accept others' completeness.

    • Balance the body.

    • Balance the spirit.

  • Atlantis was a real place that was destroyed 11,000 years ago and is now covered by the sea. Lemuria was also an ancient civilization.

  • Each dimension is a state of awareness. The first dimension is the awareness of being, named as the elements, characterized by random growth and dissolution. The second dimension adds a striving towards growth, named as plants and animals, like a plant that grows towards the sun. The third dimension is ours, characterized by self-awareness. The fourth dimension is about love and understanding. The fifth is about the cycle of light or wisdom (?). The sixth is unity. The seventh is the gateway cycle (whatever that means). The eighth is currently incomprehensible to us.

  • Humanities social memory complex is its own collective memory as a species, also known as the Akashic records or Hall of Records.

  • Balancing chakras:

    • Root chakra - an understanding and acceptance of the energy (not helpful).

    • Sacral chakra - distortions to self-understanding or self-acceptance.

    • Solar Plexus chakra - tendency towards manipulation and power seeking.

    • Heart chakra - difficulty with universal love or compassion.

    • Throat chakra - difficulty in expressing the self.

    • Third Eye chakra - problems with unworthiness.

    • Crown chakra - can't be distorted apparently.

  • Jesus was a highest echelon 4th density being about to transfer to the 5th dimension but chose to come back to Earth to help.

  • Humans used to live up to 900 years old but their lifespan shortened due to their focus on service to self instead of The Law of One.

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